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  • Writer's pictureEmily McGuire

An Introduction to Mary Stuart & the Modern Opinion

Updated: Mar 18, 2020

What is expected? What is there to read?

The world of the Renaissance is often glorified for it's art, innovation, and advancement of human life. But this illusion of the 'golden age' of culture in Europe often fails to address the influential, and often brutally violent, political and religious tensions encompassed by controversial successions of kings and -- most importantly -- queens. As world cultures shift and evolve, how do these opinions on such infamous events shift and evolve with it?

Mary Stuart & the Modern Opinion

Historical narratives play a massive role on the way individuals form opinions on historical events or figures. Discussions on the effects that these narratives play on famous historical figures has been one of the most reoccurring topics in my Honors 390 class: The Renaissance in the Modern World. For example, a costume drama -- which the main purpose is to entertain the viewer while presenting 'factual' information -- on the Renaissance would present the world much differently than a scholarly historical novel -- solely made for the purpose of education and full of fact. Films must make money and keep viewers interested and coming back. Therefore, the viewer might find the plot to be romanticized, full of attractive people in beautiful gowns, and the environment so enticing that one wishes they were living in a time that was actually full of disease and bad hygiene. These falsehoods that historical films present often get muddled into the true historical narrative that is created by actual historians through years of research and writing. Despite all this, modern outlets like films, television shows, and even children's books influence the modern opinion on historical events and figures.

Mary Stuart, also known as Mary, Queen of Scots, (1542-1587) has been a figure of this shifting historical narrative ever since her childhood. Her life began as dramatically as it ended, from her fleeing from Scotland to France for asylum to her execution by her cousin and godmother to her son -- Queen Elizabeth I. As a Catholic woman reigning Queen in a period of religious strife (the Protestant Reformation) and a highly implemented patriarchal structure, Mary Stuart's entire identity and authority was questioned constantly and continues to be done today. This blog will explore the way the historical narrative of Mary Stuarts life has shifted from the sixteenth century through writings and political propaganda and into today through media -- whether it is TV shows, films, art or literature -- and analyze the overall effect this has had on the way she is represented. Modern-day influences are constantly evolving, and by analyzing the use of media largely represents the cultural and social changes going on in the world that may effect the historical narrative.

There are a variety of ways this blog will analyze the ways Mary Stuart has been represented. Religion played a massive role in Mary Stuart's reign and most importantly, how she was represented afterward. Anti-Catholicism sentiments followed shortly after her execution, and with that came the evolution of her historical narrative as a conspirator, power-hungry woman incapable of ruling. She is often painted as the antithesis to Elizabeth I because of her Catholic roots. Her son, King James I, inherited the throne after Elizabeth I attempted to redefine his mother's image as well through the use of religious monuments. This unification juxtaposed to the attempts of Protestant scholars trying to discredit her offers a way to examine the way religion has shaped her character and will offer insight to the effect it has had on her representation. In literature, plays, and operas, Mary Stuart as been the subject of interest, especially during the 19th century. These forms of media can offer an insight to the way Mary Stuart was viewed as an entertainment basis. By examining these forms of media, one can also see how her narrative has shifted and possible social and cultural influences of the time period that sparked the peak in interest in Mary Stuart.

the 20th century provides the examination of Mary Stuart in film. The way she is shown in a film in the 1930s will be very different than the way she is portrayed in 2020. Films are an excellent way to interpret the historical narrative on a figure by physically seeing the change on opinion from one film to the next as well as seeing the cultural influences of the time it was made. The popularity in the twenty-first century of historical TV dramas has paved the way for new ways to analyze historical narrative as well, especially with the representation of Mary Stuart in the CW's show Reign (2013-2017). The purpose of this blog is to examine the way all of these influential components has ultimately shaped her historical narrative over the last several hundred years and determine the effect it has had on Mary Stuart as an historical figure.


What is there to read?

Mary Stuart has been the subject of much analysis over the years. Many academic and popular works published about over this controversial queen -- from short articles, to entire novels. Here is a list of reading materials that will help guide the audience in discovering the modern opinion of Mary Stuart, aka Mary, Queen of Scots.


  • Queen of Scots: The True Life of Mary Stuart by John Guy (2004)

  • Mary Queen of Scots: An Illustrated Life by Susan Doran (2007)

  • The Betrayal of Mary, Queen of Scots by Kate Williams (2018)

  • Premodern Rulers and Postmodern Viewers Gender, Sex, and Power in Popular Culture Chapter 2: "Early Modern Queens on Screen: Victors, Victims, Villians, Virgins, and Viragoes" by Elena Woodacre (2018)


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